Monday, 18 November 2013
Holi-Oli Day!
Salaaamullahi'alaykum :) ughh, long time no see. holidays are coming! n i'm so grateful to Allah cause He gives me the chance to stay healthy n may He forgives all our sins towards Him. As u've read the title up there somewhere, its not about holiday actually, i just wanna share a story with u guys. cuti bermula, belum smpai seminggu dah mula missing each other. kan? haha, well, i miss my friends very much. i left the hostel 2 weeks earlier n stay at home. as a hostel residents, u know how i feel, when staying at home without friends n just stick in front of the laptop 24 hours n doin' nothing.
i reminisced the sweetest moments with them. playing basketball at court, playing bicycle together, playing hide and seek, n even we eat instant noodle together. all things we do is just for one reason. ukhwah :) lillahita'ala :)
i hope this happiness is not temporary. andd, talking about hostel. i'm not sure either next year akn jadi bdk hostel atau bdk luar. actually, staying at hostel is fun, boleh share info, tukar2 pendapat, study sesama, but, sometimes i feel like dkt hostel takda life. well, i dont know why. maybe kt rumah bebas, nk buat kerja pun sng, nk cari maklumat dkt int lgi mudah. right? tapi, bila skolah ad function, u know teachers akan cari bdk hostel. bdk asrama lgi senang sbb mereka dh mmg ad disitu. n everything's gonna be easy sbb dkt je kan tmpat tinggal pelajar asrama dgn skolah.
but when u think twice, dok luar pun seronok, sbb we can spend our times with our parents. we can help them, spend our time, be kind to them. but that's okay, akan ku fikirkan nnti gi mana. mahu duduk apa enggak. hmm :( rasanya mcm nk cerita tu jek. haha, mood trus hilang. gi mana ni -_- next time, kita cecite lagihh.
please pray i'll wake up early tomorrow and i'm going to tanjung. nk jogging. ok serious talk. jogging k. bukan jenjalan. esk serious nk jogging. i've noticed that my cheeks is going to big like balloon as my friends has told me before =..= tapi insyaAllah lah. esk rasa mcm i wanna find peace. duduk tepi sungai tu. sungai ke laut? haha, whatever. fikir masalah. maybe dah settle. tapi, haha. ntah lah. melihat kebesaran Allah. cun jugak. haha, k. Salaaam. panjang umur ketemu lagi :*
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